Terra / AnVIL R / Bioconductor Workshops

The following Terra / AnVIL R / Bioconductor Popup Workshops were held in 2021 from April to June.

Introduction to the Terra AnVIL Cloud-based Genomics Platform with Sehyun Oh and Levi Waldron at Bioc2021

Terra in the Classroom documents the experience of running a small course utilizing AnVIL. Includes some set up, learned positives and negatives from February 2020.


See illustrative examples of how you can use Bioconductor in AnVIL workspaces.

  • The AnVIL package (public release pending)
    • Simplifies exploration of the Terra data model
    • Supports programmatic development of workflows, workspaces, and resource management data
  • Orchestrating Single Cell Analysis
    • Describes how to use a custom container to do all computations in the OSCA book [current to March 2021]
    • Note: another workspace processes the book content via AnVILPublish
  • RNA-seq analysis with DESeq2
    • A collection of Jupyter notebooks
    • Includes a WDL workflow that runs salmon quantification on FASTQ inputs
  • Pan-cancer Transcriptome Surveys (public release pending)
    • Two workflows, each devoted to different gene sets
    • The WDL and scripts are registered at dockstore.org
    • Unit testing for the script components are managed in BiocOncoTK



  • Shiny Apps

    • TerraPlane filters Dockstore to find methods based on search terms
  • Data Management Utilities

    ## # A tibble: 10 x 3
    ## # Groups:   study [2]
    ##    study organ      N
    ##    <chr> <chr>  <int>
    ##  1 CCDG  AI      9031
    ##  2 CCDG  CVD    25741
    ##  3 CCDG  NP     19422
    ##  4 CMG   Blood    277
    ##  5 CMG   Brain   1844
    ##  6 CMG   Eye      552
    ##  7 CMG   Heart    184
    ##  8 CMG   Kidney   432
    ##  9 CMG   Muscle  1722
    ## 10 CMG   Orphan   717
    • Drilling down on CCDG
    ## # A tibble: 9 x 4
    ## # Groups:   study, organ [3]
    ##   study organ addit         N
    ##   <chr> <chr> <chr>     <int>
    ## 1 CCDG  AI    Asthma     1171
    ## 2 CCDG  AI    IBD        4694
    ## 3 CCDG  AI    T1D        3166
    ## 4 CCDG  CVD   AFib       3731
    ## 5 CCDG  CVD   EOCAD     20156
    ## 6 CCDG  CVD   HemStroke  1358
    ## 7 CCDG  CVD   Stroke      496
    ## 8 CCDG  NP    Alz        2374
    ## 9 CCDG  NP    Autism    17048